Wednesday, March 21, 2012

THE HOST by Stephenie Meyer

Fan of Twilight? Anti-fan of Twilight? Did you read the series can totally hate everything about it (maybe like the overused metaphors and the cliche dialogue)?

Get rid of all your thoughts on Stephenie Meyer and what kind of author she is. Then read The Host. After that, you won't care about how bad you think Twilight is (although I am actually a fan of the series).

everything about this book is good. Although many people are scared off by the dystopian-aliens-living-in-human-bodies thing it has such a good story. It sounds weird and it sounds creepy, but it truly is my favorite book.

The story follows wanderer an intergalactic traveler that needs the resources of another body to survive. Wanderer, or Wanda as she is soon nicknamed, is known well for having lived on the most planets and having a large amount of knowledge of the goings on in other places. When she comes to earth, she expects it to be as simple as any other life she's led. But then she hits a wall, also known as Melanie Stryder, the girl who refuses to fade away. Driven by the love for her brother Jamie and boyfriend Jared Melanie keeps her consciousness even when Wanda is controlling her body. She tries to coax Wanda into leaving her society and searching for her lost family. Eventually the two make it to the resistance - a small group of humans living and working together to keep each other safe. At first Wanda is treated as the enemy, but soon she is trusted and allowed to help the resistance in whatever way she can. She soon discovers a strange and uncommon sympathy she has never felt toward her host bodies and soon falls in love with the family that was never hers.

The Host still makes me cry - and I've read it at least three times. Wanda's pure and undeserved love for the people who hate her is just so kind. She literally will do anything for them, even the unthinkable. I love this story. Meyer finds the perfect balance between sci-fi, romance and family relations that make the book really relate able, even if it is about an alien. Stephenie Meyer will completely shock you with her ability to create real palpable emotion that no one can resist.

1 comment:

  1. So, I'm going to put in my two cents because I've read this book too.

    Rosy G loves twilight so you may feel a little like, "Why would I read something by Stephanie Meyer?"

    But I am here to tell you that I, as a twilight hater, loved The Host. I don't know what happened to Stephanie Meyer's brain while writing Twilight, but The Host is really, really good.

    This book is really amazing, an interesting sci fi look at what could happen to us, and how we can still persevere.

    I highly recommend this book, and the trailer for the movie was just released, and it's always good to read the book before seeing the movie.
