Thursday, April 5, 2012

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Alright, so Cinderella, who hasn't seen that story when we were little? The charming tale about the depressed little girl with evil step siblings and step mother and she goes to the ball with the prince and everything is happily ever after....

Now forget everything you know about Cinderella, and meet Cinder, a cyborg living in the future where there are people who live on the moon called Lunars, and there is a terrible disease killing everyone.

This book was absolutely fantastic. I found it a little predictable, but not as predictable as you would expect from what looks like from the cover, a futuristic Cinderella.

Marissa Meyer has created a world hundreds of years from now, where World War 4 is a distant memory, and now all this stuff is going on.

I loved the main character, Cinder, she is someone who doesn't like her position, tries to not make trouble, and yet trouble finds her in way of the prince, and although she wants to run away and hide, she knows deep inside what is right.

The cover caught my eye and the writing and storyline kept me interested.

There are three more books to come in the series, and I am desperately awaiting them.

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